Greensboro Crew is a division of Triad United Rowing Association, which brings together rowers from Greensboro, High Point, and Winston Salem.
LIKE the Greensboro facebook page to learn more.
According to a 2008 analysis by The New York Times, in America there were 2,359 high school girls rowing and 2,295 captured a college rowing scholarship in that year. Average amount: $9,723.
Triad United rowers have earned scholarships to big name universities such as Carolina, Louisville, Iowa, Clemson, Oklahoma, Syracuse, Drake and Wisconsin to name a few. In 2021 our girls crew finished 10th in the nation at USRowing Youth Nationals.
Rowing is a wonderful team sport and recreational activity that is enjoyed by both girls and boys for its zen-like movement and the healthy competitive nature of the activity. Greensboro Crew is first and foremost a scholastic rowing program consisting primarily of high school and middle school students from the Greensboro/Summerfield areas. All students are eligible to row regardless of what school they attend.
Also known as ‘Crew,’ rowing is one of the oldest organized sports in the world and one of the charter events of the modern Olympic Games. There are many reasons to join Greensboro Crew:
- Rowing will get you in the best shape of your life. It is fun and rewarding to work out with teammates with mutual goals.
- Rowing is a non-impact sport and so rowers get few injuries compared to other sports, making it ideal for boys and girls alike.
- A quality rowing experience in high school will open doors in college admissions offices.
- For the parent of a female high school student especially, there is likely no better investment in their education than joining a rowing club. That is because today more college athletic scholarships are offered to female students in rowing than any other sport in the United States.*Colleges need lots of female rowers to balance out large male football teams. Consider this, UNC has 60 girls on their women’s rowing roster. Princeton University has 140 women on their rowing team. Wisconsin has even more!Do you want to be applying to great colleges like UNC, Princeton or Wisconsin as a volleyball player or as a rower?
- Friendships made on a crew are often forged for life.

So, give it a row!
* Since Title IX, the sport of choice of college athletic directors to counter football is women’s rowing. So, there is huge demand at universities for high school students with rowing experience.