Youth Rowing Resumes July 1st

We are excited to announce we will resume rowing activities at Lake Brandt in partnership with the City of Greensboro on July 1st!

The cessation of rowing due to the pandemic has been a big loss for our rowers and so this is wonderful news. Given that Covid-19 is still in our community, the club will be taking the following extra precautions to reduce the possibility of viral transmissions between rowers.

  • all rowers must wear face masks while on shore.
  • rowers will be subject to having their temperatures taken at practice
  • arrivals will be staggered to groups of 10 and no more than 10 rowers on the dock at one time.
  • oars & boats will be cleaned after each row.
  • parents will sign a new waiver acknowledging the additional possible risk of Covid-19 transmission through rowing

The Summer Youth Rowing Membership is for high school & middle school students of all experience levels (including no experience) to row during the summer. This fee covers equipment use, lake fees, coaching services, administrative costs (insurance, etc).

The summer season is from July 1st through August 22. Students rising to grades 7-12 are welcome to participate and all students should be at least 11 years old.

Rowing sessions take place mornings Monday, Wednesday – Saturday from 7:30am – 9:15am at Lake Brandt.

Please note there is no rowing on Tuesdays because the lake is closed.

P A Y  O N L I N E


Buy a Raffle Ticket to Win an Erg!


The Concept 2 Model D erg with PM5 monitor is the prize of all indoor rowers and Crossfit athletes alike.

Now you can have a chance to win one of these incredible feats of rowing machinery with the purchase of just one $20 raffle ticket. All funds raised go to support Greensboro Crew and High Point Rowing Club.

The funds to purchase the erg have already been raised by the High Point Masters. So, 100% of all raffle proceeds will support Triad United Rowing.

The erg will be raffled off at the Celebration of Rowing banquet. You do not need to be present to win. Purchase your ticket online today to win this Concept2 Model D erg with PM5 monitor.



Registration is Open for the Fall Season of Youth Rowing

Registration is now open for the Fall rowing season. Greensboro Crew is an organized scholastic rowing program that focuses on the amazing transformational impacts that the sport of crew can deliver to young people.

Rowing will develop the body and mind, but training and racing with a crew team will develop character. We strive to be the very best rowing team in the Southeast.

The youth program consists of middle and high school students, ages 11-18, from Greensboro/Summerfield/Oak Ridge area schools. You can attend any school, public or private, and still row for Greensboro Crew. 

No experience is necessary and new rowers can join anytime. All participants must be confident swimmers for safety reasons. 

The program aims to develop extremely competitive boys and girls crews that compete locally and nationally. For more details of our youth programs see the following links

2019 – Fall Season starts August 12 with a Free Sneak Peek Week.

Middle School Fall Clinic

High School Fall Season New Rower

High School Fall Season – Returning Rower

REGISTER (here you will find the Swim Form and Waiver that must be signed by a parent)

Email with questions.

Greensboro Rowers to Race at USRowing’s Southeast Regionals this Weekend

Oak Ridge, Tennessee – Eleven Greensboro Crew rowers will represent the Triad United Rowing Association in six events this weekend at the USRowing Southeast Regional Youth Championships.

Owen MacArthur and Henry Parker will open racing for Triad United in the time trials of the men’s youth lightweight double sculls.

Greensboro captain Kate Messick will team with High Point rower Charlotte Curri in the time trial for the women’s youth lightweight double sculls.

Next up, Greensboro’s Alexa Robb will race with High Point rowers Junior Ognovich, Lindsay York, and Kinkead Crotts in the women’s quad sculls time trial.

All time trials will take place on Saturday morning on Melton Lake

In afternoon racing, Greensboro U15 rowers Eleah Stewart, Aubrey Bews, Ellie Anderson, Victoria Albright, Catherine Lawrence and Isabella Gregorio will race in the U17 youth eights event as a prelude to their U15 final on Sunday.

In other Sunday finals, Kate Messick and Alexa Robb will join forces with High Point rowers Natalie Earnhardt, and Charlotte Curri to defend the U17 quadsculls won by Triad United in 2018.

Also on Sunday, Grace Denenny will team up with Junior Ognovich, Kate Messick, and Lindsay York in the final of the straight fours race, which is the last race of the regatta.

Heat sheets of all races can be found HERE




Summer Camps are Open for Registration

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The summer is a wonderful time for students to row and Lake Brandt is the best place to row in Greensboro.

Greensboro Crew has many opportunities for students this summer, including three one-week learn to row camps or an ‘all-summer’ rowing extravaganza. All camps are suitable for students with no prior rowing experience.

Please note space is limited in our learn to row camps so please register early to avoid disappointment.


SESSION I: June 24 – 28

SESSION 2: July 29 – August 2

SESSION 3:August 5 – 9


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Let’s Stay Safe in 2019



If you use a Ventolin inhaler you must have this on your person at all times. Do not give this to a coxswain or coach.

If your boat is ever swamped, tips over, or capsizes – Stay with the boat. Use it for flotation.  NEVER attempt to swim to shore.

Know the protocols for docking procedures.

Is the bowball firmly and properly attached to the boat?

Are your heel ties tied at the correct length of 3″ between the shoes and footboard? If not – do not row in this seat until fixed.

Never consumer alcoholic beverages or use dangerous drugs while rowing. Be aware of how any medication you take may affect your ability to safely row.

Know LAKE BRANDT – or any other venue you may be rowing at.
Do you know and observe all traffic patterns? Are you aware of winds and how it can affect a boat’s steering? Identify & remember the locations of all submerged hazards and buoys on the lake. Know where the lake is shallow.

Watch the Weather!
Do you check the most current weather forecast to stay aware of thunderstorms and wind? Always watch for high winds. Never launch in heavy fog. If fog appears return to shore.

Know the risks: Did you know boaters are struck by lightning at 3X the rate of golfers? If you are not sure – stay on shore.

Lightning is one of our greatest risks while rowing. If you ever hear thunder while rowing – return immediately to the dock. If you see a bolt of lightning, no matter how far away it is, immediately return to shore. Do not wait to get permission from a coach. The coaches will likely not even hear thunder due to the sound of the boat engine.

“If you are not sure, STAY ON SHORE!”

Rowing on cold water adds another risk for rowers. It is very rare for a rower to fall out of a boat but it does happen. If someone falls out of the boat sometimes the natural reaction of youth rowers is to laugh and keep rowing. DO NOT BE THIS CREW! Falling out of a boat carries serious risks of a head injury on a rigger upon returning to the surface. The immediate reaction of all rowers should be to immediately stop rowing and check the boat to a stop with their oars. Do not wait for a coxswains command to take this action. Quickly back the boat up to retrieve the rower from the water.

Make sure that your rower is a confident swimmer. Parents this is YOUR responsibility.

Be aware of weather. Have radar accessible on your phone. Have the phone numbers of other coaches on the water on your phone.

Do you review the rules and emergency procedures with all rowers on a regular basis?

Communicate an action plan for any emergency.

Keep all equipment maintained and safe.

All coaches should wear a life vest when water temps are below 65F. Youth rowers should wear a life vest at all times when riding in coach boats.

Be sure the coach boat has life vests for rowers, a paddle, bailer, and fire extinguisher.

Know and obey all local and federal regulations concerning all boating safety requirements. Do not have more people in your launch than permitted on the boats safety decal.

Review rowing venue and conditions with coxswains and fellow coaches to identify hazards & tricky conditions.

Never be under the influence of alcoholic beverages or use dangerous drugs while coaching. This includes medication that may cause the use of heavy machinery to be unsafe.

Adult Spring Rowing Begins in March

Registration is now Open for the Masters Rowing Spring Session, which starts on Monday, March 4. 

Greensboro Crew is excited to announce the upcoming season of “Masters Spring Session” – Rowing for adults indoors at Green Valley Swim Club and outdoors on Lake Brandt.

No prior rowing experience is necessary.

“The purpose of the Spring Session is to foster healthy living in a fun team environment for adults through the wonderful sport of rowing,” says master’s rowing instructor Mary Hollingsworth.

Format: Participants with no prior experience will start with a learn-to-row format.  As technique and stamina improve, a more competitive format will be adopted. Experienced rowers will row together in boat orders as assigned by the coaches. For safety reasons, participants must be confident swimmers. In addition to rowing, participants will be expected to serve on occasions as coxswains, the member of the crew that steers the boat and makes the calls.

Dates and Times: Monday and Thursday evenings (6:00pm-7:30pm) starting March 4 and ending April 28.

Attire: Tee shirt, form-fitting shorts, and flip-flops are usual attire. Loose fitting shorts will likely catch in the “slide” (where the rowing seat moves back and forth in the boat). Bring a water bottle too! Sunglasses are good.

Cost: $200 per rower. No partial refund for missed sessions or weather related cancellations. Check with your company’s wellness program for full or partial reimbursement.


More Info: Call Mary at (336) 317-3302 or email

Registration is Open for the Adult New Year Indoor Rowing Session

Greensboro, NC – Registration is open for the season of adult indoor rowing at the Green Valley Swim Club. The indoor rowing workout was created to give anyone and everyone a uniquely smart, low-impact, high cardio, full body workout.

No prior rowing experience is necessary.

Greensboro Crew is home of the high energy, low impact, full-body workout for everyone. Working every muscle in every stroke, our famously effective group classes combine cardio and strength training with authentic crew rowing techniques (and a great soundtrack) in one smart, highly efficient workout. Increase your endurance, train all your major muscles, and row your way to your leanest, strongest arms, legs, core, and back.

“You are going to torch those calories with indoor rowing,” says Coach Gene Kininmonth. “After this winter session you are going to feel stronger and healthier than you have in years – and you will know it after just your first class.”

Format: Participants with no prior experience will start with a learn-to-row format on the Concept2 rowing machines. As technique and stamina improve, a more competitive format will be adopted.

Dates and Times:

Weekday Sessions: Monday and Thursday evenings 6pm to 7:30pm starting January 7 ending February 28, 2019.

Note, we are currently not hosting weekend rowing during the winter.

Attire: Tee shirt, form-fitting shorts, and running shoes are usual attire. Loose fitting shorts will likely catch in the “slide” (where the rowing seat moves back and forth on the rower). Bring a water bottle too!

Address: Green Valley Pool: 2815 Rutherford Dr, Greensboro, NC 27408

Cost: $195 per participant for weekday or weekend sessions. $235 per participant for New Year Unlimited sessions. No partial refund for missed sessions or weather related cancellations. Check with your company’s wellness program for full or partial reimbursement.

More Info: Email Gene at with questions about the program.



A Short Holiday Season of Indoor Rowing is about to Begin!

Greensboro Crew is excited to announce the upcoming Holiday Season of Indoor Rowing for adults. The clinic is $50 for 7 classes

No prior rowing experience is necessary.

“This is a short 3 1/2 week season of toning and fitness to help us get through the festivities and sometimes over indulgences of the Holiday Season,” says club rowing coach Mary Hollingsworth. “Indoor Rowing is a simple activity for folks of all ages and we have a wonderful community of adults all encouraging each other to do their best and always improve.”

Dates and Times: 

Weekday (Monday & Thursday): 6pm – 7:30pm.  Clinic begins Monday, November 26 and the last workout is Monday, December 17.

Location: Green Valley Park & Pool: 2815 Rutherford Dr, Greensboro, NC 27408

This program is suitable for adults of all ages and physical states. New participants should email Coach Gene before their first class