September 9, 2017
Please feel free to call Coach Gene at (336-257-9009) or email with questions.
All practices are at Lake Brandt starting until October .
High School Students
M-F 4:30-6:15 and Saturday 9:00-11:00
Middle School Students
M, Th 4:30 to 6:15 and Saturday 9:00 -11:00
- Please have your rower to practice on time. If you are running late due to traffic, please text one of the team student leaders.
- Please be prompt for pick up. Practice ends at 6:15.
Dues: Most of you have paid – Thank you!
Returning High School Students $545.00
New High School Rowers $455.00
Middle School $385.00
Please pay online or make check payable to Greensboro Crew.
General Guidelines:
- Parents, please do not walk over to the boats or “join in” the circle. We like for the team to facilitate practice without much adult intrusion.
- Please keep clear of boat handling. Do not walk down to the ramp when boats are launching or recovering.
- Masters row on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Please be aware they will be near the boats warming up and recovering the boats when the kids come in from practice. It appears chaotic but it is very organized.
- Please do not try to have you rower leave practice early-they are out on the water and coming in early is not practical.
Clothing for Practices:
- Water bottle – please be sure your rower brings one to each practice
- Rowers should wear athletic clothing-t-shirts, spandex, tight fitting clothes. Loose clothes can and will be caught in the slide causing a problem.
- Rowers should wear flip-flops or sandals to practice.
- Socks: rowers should bring a pair of socks to wear while they row.
- Sweat Shirts or jackets may be needed as we get deeper into Fall.
- Swim form/waiver: New Rowers are asked to complete a set of forms and return immediately. Swim forms and waivers must be completed once. Returning rowers whose parents completed the forms in the past do not need to resubmit.
- Medical/insurance form: this is an online form which will be emailed to all parents next week. This form must be completed prior to the first race.
- USRowing waiver: this is completed online each year by a parent and costs $6.75. I will send you this link. You can click the link and see if your child is current.
- “If we are not sure – we stay on shore.”
- Practice may be shortened or canceled depending on the weather. Lisa and I will maintain a watchful eye on the forecast.
- An email and text alert will be sent out by 3:00 if the practice is canceled.
- Coaches will monitor the weather via radar apps while on the water. At the first sound of thunder or first sighting of lightning, we head in to shore, no questions asked. Safety is always priority.
Regattas & Events: see the website for details
- September 16, 2017 Anniversary Row – Oak Hollow Lake. All Rowers. This is an important event for the club as an anniversary. But more importantly for the new rowers, this is their first chance to cut their teeth in a racing scenario. This is where they will probably make lots of mistakes and learn a great deal from these mistakes in an event where the results don’t really mean much. After the races there is a potluck brunch for all parents and rowers.
- Fall Dance 6-10pm. $10 pay at door. High school rowers bring an appetizer. Middle school rowers bring a dessert. 124C Wade Street, Jamestown.
- September 30, 2017 High Point Autumn Rowing Festival at Oak Hollow Lake-All rowers
- October 14, 2017 Head of the James, Richmond, VA -All Rowers Bus trip.
- October 21, 2017: Greensboro V High Point. – Lake Brandt. All rowers
- November 4-5, 2017 -Head of the Hooch – high school only (middle school rowers whose skills meet a certain standard may be asked to row.) Bus Trip
- November 11, 2017 Head of the South – Augusta, GA. All rowers.
- November 18, 2017 Celebration of Rowing banquet – all rowers & parents – Sedgefield Country Club.
Bus Trips:
Greensboro Crew & High Point Rowing Club will charter a bus to travel to the Head of the James in Midlothian, VA and Chattanooga, TN and Augusta, TN regattas. An email will be sent out giving details and costs are currently on the register link of The bus is first come first served with only 52 seats.
General information regarding the bus trips:
- All bus trips depart from the Walmart Supercenter just around the corner.
- Departure time is based on arriving at the regatta site in time to rig and practice.
- The bus will return to the Walmart SuperCenter. The return is normally late. Rowers will give their parents a 45 minute heads up on exact arrival time. Text alerts will also be issued on arrival times.
- All seats on the bus and hotel rooms are assigned typically by which boat rowers are in.
- All rowers are invited to ride the bus; however, a level of maturity and a sense of responsibility and decorum is required.
- It is not mandatory to ride the bus. Rowers can travel with parents.
- Greensboro Crew and High Point Rowing Club race under the HPG umbrella. There is a uniform package online for a great value of $115, which includes a number of items including a bag with the rower’s name on it. However, it is only necessary to purchase the HPG racing shirt $15 and if your son or daughter races in the duel against High Point then they will need to purchase a home colors Greensboro ‘green’ tank for $15 if they do not already have one.
HPG Rowing enjoyed great success at the inaugural North Carolina Youth Rowing Championships. Rowers from the High Point Greensboro club won state championships in 7 out of 14 events the club entered.